Self-Acceptance“Self-Acceptance is something that all of you have struggled with at one time or another. What you choose to deny about your Selves...
Trust Your Intuition“Good morning to all! We are pleased with this opportunity to share our perspectives on this most wonderful day. We would like to take...
See The Other Person's Point of View“During these times of rapid world changes and often troubling events unfolding around you in your own communities, you are asked to see...
Answered Prayer“Hello dearest family! What an honour to speak with you today. The topic we have selected for this message is Answered Prayers. We...
Work Your Magic“Today’s topic really needs no explanation, but because we so very much love to share our perspectives we are of course going to expand...
Guardian Angel“This topic comes to you today as a powerful reminder that we are with you. We have been with you since the time of your physical birth...
Standing Your Ground“When we tell you to Stand Your Ground, there are so many of you that will perceive this statement to mean that you must defend your Self...
Study“We come to you today reminding you of the importance of your studies. Many of you perceive this physical journey thinking that you need...
Energy Healing“Today the topic of Energy Healing comes to you by no coincidence. As many of you are aware, you hold within you infinite potential – and...
Intention“Hello to our Family of Light, what a joy to be given the chance to share our most unique perspectives. We are your Star Family and the...