Study“We come to you today reminding you of the importance of your studies. Many of you perceive this physical journey thinking that you need...
Energy Healing“Today the topic of Energy Healing comes to you by no coincidence. As many of you are aware, you hold within you infinite potential – and...
Intention“Hello to our Family of Light, what a joy to be given the chance to share our most unique perspectives. We are your Star Family and the...
You Are Safe“Today we wish to remind you of how very safe you are in this spiritual journey. At this time there are many of you afraid to be seen,...
Listen To Your Inner Knowing“Dearest Family, we come to you today reminding you of the importance of learning to listen to your inner knowing. So many of you have...
Higher Consciousness“Today you are reminded of the necessity for Higher Consciousness. You are here to be physical, yes this is most true, but you have also...
Miracles“Today ushers in the coming of great miracles. As the energies surrounding your planet expand into opportunities for great personal...
Dispelling The Illusion of “LIGHT vs DARK” DualityI suppose I should begin by stating why I have chosen to write this. As of late, I have viewed various social networking postings and...
Focus On Your StrengthsToday’s channelled message comes from the Ascended Masters: “Many of you find your Selves unsure of what your function is in this life....
Letting Go“Letting go has been a theme for you in the past weeks. You may ask why this is and it is simply because of the energies that surround...