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The Calcified Pineal Gland Pandemic....Continue The Fear Or See The Truth
"Today we would like to discuss a most important topic. A topic that must be understood by many of you before you can continue on your...
A Message To All Teachers Of The Light
"Hello my beautiful Family of Light, it is Archangel Gabriel with a most wonderful and important message today. This message goes out to...
Understanding The concept of Time and What The “Waiting Period” In Manifestation Really Is
"Today we would like to discuss a most important topic, this topic of Time. We wish to broaden your perspectives on this concept of time...
Understanding Your Role As A Lightworker
"Today we would like to address a concern that plagues many of you at this time. This concern of “What is my purpose” or “Why did I...
Understanding Past Lives As Guardians Of Sacred Knowledge
We received this question from a reader and was inspired to ask our Family of Light for their perspectives! E. Kunze Asked: “I have had a...
A Message For Starseeds Who Do Not Resonate With Human Existance
"Today our message goes out to all of those that resonate with the stars. To all of you who feel as though you do not belong on your...
A Message To All Lightworkers
"We are very pleased to speak with you today. We are those that dwell close to the source of all that is. We are your Angelic Family....
Understanding Energetic Fluctuations
"There is much to discuss. There is much to be addressed and asked of you at this time my dearest Light Workers. The time has come for...
Understanding Masculine And Feminine Energies
"Today we would like to discuss a very important and often misunderstood topic. We would like to give a new understanding to the dynamics...
Finding Your Peace
"Hello to our dearest beings of light. How we gleam with pride at the leaps and bounds you have taken in your progression to achieve that...
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