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Trust Your Intuition

“Good morning to all! We are pleased with this opportunity to share our perspectives on this most wonderful day. We would like to take this time to speak with you about the importance of trusting your own intuition. Many of you have come forth onto this physical plane with complete knowing of who you are. Unlike past incarnations, you were born with a strong sense of urgency telling you to fulfill your most important global mission assigned to this life. You were born with a strong sense of knowing; a strong sense of your connection to Animals, other Beings, Nature, and to the Earth and you knew that you had come forth with a clear purpose to assist this world. Your collective awakened intuitive abilities are unlike anything seen before in your human histories. From birth, you remained tapped into your precious abilities so that you would begin at an early age to advocate for the world you wanted to see! We want to encourage you today, to continue with this most important work that you have intended to do since your Birth.

We want you to continue to listen to the knowing within you that tells you, you have something very important to do. We want you to trust your intuition that reveals to you where this planet is headed and how you can do something to get it there. You are all so very powerful, each and every one of you. You are so very sensitive to the energies of the planet and to the needs and wants of all that resides upon it. You speak for all of us that cannot be seen or heard with the unawakened mind. And so when you have these knowings and these intuitive moments telling you what must be done and what you must be an advocate for, know that it is also us that speaks through you so that we may have our own voices heard. Know that your purpose is so very important and realize that you will bring about peace for all who inhabit the earth. Be proud of who you are and trust the knowing that tells you which step to take from here. As always we are proud to walk this journey with you and we thank you for your service to creating a beautiful new world. We love you dearly, your Elemental family.”

~May you find peace and joy within these messages and awaken to who you truly are!~

All My Love,


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