Who Is Our Galactic Family of Light?“Hello to the readers of this message. We are thrilled with this opportunity to deliver these words to you today. We are eager to have...
Mental Purification“It is with great pleasure that we come forward today to share our perspectives with you. We are your brothers and sisters of the light –...
Change Is Coming“Good day to our dearest fellow members of the Family of Light. We are most pleased with this opportunity to have our perspectives heard....
Learning To Cope“Hello dearest physical Family of Light. It is a great honour to speak with you today. I am your brother in love and light – Archangel...
A Message To All Mothers"Hello to the lovely readers of this message! I am most honoured to have my perspectives heard. It is with great Joy that I single myself...
Be The Student“Hello to my Family of Light. What a privilege and Joy it is to have this opportunity to instruct you! I am most eager to deliver this...
Oneness“I am most pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you today. It is always a pleasure to have my perspectives heard and received....
Forgiveness“It is with great pleasure that I take the stage today to deliver a message to you! It is I, Archangel Gabriel, and I am most overjoyed...
You Cannot Fail“Dearest physical Family of Light, what an honor it is to speak with you today. I come to you now to deliver a most important message...
Overcoming Anger“Good afternoon to our most beloved physical Family of Light. Today Archangel Raphael and I, Archangel Michael, have come forward to...