Follow Your Heart“Good afternoon our most beloved Family of Light. We are most excited to have this opportunity to share our perspectives with you on this...
Trust“Hello dearest Family! What a joy it is to speak with you! Today we propose a discussion on the topic of Trust. What an important concept...
The Power Of Letting Go"We are always thrilled with the opportunity to offer our perspectives to you and of course today is no different. Today we have a most...
Remembering The Fallen“There is no greater sadness then to see what a brother can do to another brother. There have been many tears shed throughout your...
Embrace Who You Are"There are many of you wondering when your time will come. When will it all come together and when will the truth of All That Is come to...
Soulmates"Hello dearest Family of Light. We are most eager to take this opportunity to discuss a most important topic – the topic of Soul Mates....
Rest, Relax and Retreat"Hello our most important Family of Light. What an honor it is to watch over you and guide you, as you partake in this beautiful physical...
Self RelianceWhat a beautiful day to deliver such a wonderful message. Today we come to you to discuss the importance of Self Reliance. Why is it that...
Open Your Heart To Love“What a fine day for a most wonderful message on Love! What a beautiful intriguing concept, this concept of love. Such a simple word and...
Remember Who You Are“At this time, we find many of you wondering how to move forward. You doubt your Self and your path and you wonder if you are doing what...